Automation + One Million Jobs + Social Mission

Aakar Anil
Marketing Technology
3 min readNov 23, 2015


A company with a social mission.

In Feburary (2014), Marc Andreessen, investor and tech-innovator wrote ‘On a Mission’.

He wrote, “We are looking for the companies who are going to be the big winners because they are going to cause a fundamental change in the world, as opposed to making a short-term grab for revenue or a short-term grab for an acquisition… the pattern at the moment is the stronger the ideology or mission of the company, the more successful the company…”

In June, Marc Andreessen TweetStormed on Robots vs Humans. “This is probably a good time to say that I don’t believe robots will eat all the jobs…”

He sent out the following Tweets:
a) First, robots and AI are not nearly as powerful and sophisticated as I think people are starting to fear. Really.
b) With my VC/tech hat on I wish they were, but they’re not. Enormous gaps between what we want them to do and what they can do.
c) So there is still an enormous gap between what many people do in jobs today and what robots and AI can replace, and will be for decades.
d) Second, even when robots and AI are far more powerful, there will still be many things that people can do that robots and AI can’t.
e) Creativity, innovation, exploration, art, science, entertainment, caring for others… we have no idea how to make machines do these.
f) Third, when automation is abundant and cheap, human experiences become rare and valuable. Flows from our nature as human beings.

He has summarized these things on his blog as well.

In July, Sam Altman — President of Y Combinator (the most successful Startup School) wrote about creating “One Million Jobs”.

He wrote, “There are a lot of areas where it makes sense to divide labor between humans and computers — we are very good at some things computers are terrible at and vice versa — and some of these require huge amounts of human resources… Probably the easiest way to do this is to create a platform that lets a million people create their own jobs….”

Every time I read these articles, I feel like they were talking about CloudFactory, without mentioning CloudFactory.

Let’s cross examine the above facts with CloudFactory.

We’ve a social mission, “We aim to connect one million people in the developing world to basic computer work and raise them up as leaders to address poverty in their own communities.” (The Next Web puts it best: CloudFactory plans to put one million people in developing countries to work online.) Also check the impact side on CloudFactory Community blog. And this CloudFactory Honored for Leadership in Impact Sourcing.

CloudFactory believes The future is bright when we (Robots and Humans) work together.

In March, Mark Sears, CEO CloudFactory wrote on the company blog, “CloudFactory is building the future of work today. Our factory in the cloud finds the right combination of people and technology to help our clients thrive. We also care deeply about seeing the places where we work and the people we work with thrive…

In our world, labor automation and robotic process automation are keys for creating a bigger pie of work that leads to job creation and opportunities for smart people around the world. The invention of powerful technologies has always been central to economic progress in the long run as long as the goal is to advance the common good.

We think the future of work involves a flat world, it involves robots, and it also involves a level of responsibility to see humankind flourish.”

CloudFactory has already created more than 3,000 jobs and is geared towards its goal of creating One Million jobs. Yeah, a million.

PS. Paul Graham says, Startup = Growth. And we believe it too. CloudFactory’s growth is magical, believe me. ;)

(Image by Tobias Higbie via Marc’s blog)

Originally published at

